Lakeside Coder

Tid-bits and technology-bytes from a coder

slack alternative

This looks like a nice external monitor for my laptop

Twitter alternative

The Future of Programing by Bret Victor

I'm a bit interested in steno as a faster/more accurate typing alternative

A much more interesting distributed crypto thing

Very innovative app builder

Also a journal of the project

A real saas budget/cost timeline

This kind of transparency is awesome

Mutation testing

Blame for coverage

Feature idea: show which tests cover a given line of code

An interesting list of internet memos

This blog is command line deployed

I never thought I'd say this, but I now post to this blog almost exclusively using the command ./post "title" "link"

An interesting react deployment project

Interesting db

The ad says what I want to hear

For those of you on DSL

Replacing the cable that runs to my dsl modem with a cat5 ethernet cable made a surprising difference in the quality of my internet connection

Maybe a solution for long term OSS

A stripe credit card

Drop in replacement for cat (unix)

Another web compiler

More screen sharing software

This is a little different actually, more like marco polo for desktops. You record and then send short (or long I suppose) screen captures

A pdf tool

If this works well (I heard that it does), it had to be quite tricky to write. I've worked with PDFs (a little), they're quite horrible on the formatting

A way to listen to earnings calls

Not in my ordinary line of 'tech' tips, but appeals to my interest in finance

Like cmd+space but for the cloud

Looks interesting

Another slack alternative, maybe?

Wrote my first rust program yesterday

17 lines of code to convert a bash script to a binary for use in a distroless container

I probably need something like this for my business

Yet another interesting pm tool

Github cli for git

Tool for importing/manipulating data

Why programming is still hard

Programming is actually getting easier and easier. But your job will never get easier - if it did, why would they hire you to do it?

More cool html/react stuff

I want to start doing mutation testing

Keeping dependencies up to date

Interesting npm package ci tool

Resources for building your own operating system

What I wish my github pinned repositories looked like

Alternative for jsx

Storybook for your desktop

Better auto-completion (maybe)

About productivity, looks interesting

This looks very interesting for my personal portfolio

I'm going to try this for my next talk

Wow! Parcel supports rust out of the box

This looks like a good package manager

Javascript in rust in wasm in javascript

In memory cache for javascript

A new OS

Wow, this looks pretty cool.

Git cheat sheet

Find which character you want/have

Frame based editors

Gary's new project looks interesting

In 20 years Javascript will be the new C

Everyone will use it, everyone will say it's terrible

Alternative to ynab

A new javascript engine

I'm taking typing lessons

Zoom zero-day

Better comments

haven't tried it yet, but I want better comment highlighting for sure.

How to do a twitter give-away

SQRL on wordpress

I'm super interested in sqrl, though I'm not sure I agree with all the design decisions made so far.

Multiple monitors?

I want to read this, I mainly use multiple monitors during screen share/video chats. I think I could do with out it at other times

Cool app for twitter

Main feature, no distracting timeline

Awesome article on units (actually source code)

How a laptop keyboard should be (probably)

Really nice keyboard

A parser written in javascript

A parser written in rust

Experimenting with syntax highlighters

Figma: for design:

Titlebars matter

Really liking that notion makes the tab title including favicon project (instead of app) specific.

Notion: Quip and Airtable alternative

Tuple: Screenhero replacement

Alacritty: a terminal written in rust

Just web notes

I'll post things here as I think of them. Mostly links. Sometimes quotes. Often tools. Sometimes gists (github gists).

© 2020 Joshua Ohlman